Updated Tue, Feb 11 @ 08:35 pm
Looking for a league to join - Why not join the Nisku Ball Federation league! Contact us at niskuballfederation@hotmail.com
The Nisku Ball Federation is an SPN affiliated, co-ed slo-pitch league playing the 6/4 format. We operate on four fully fenced diamonds with enclosed dugouts and shale infields, which are located at Nisku Recreation Park. The diamonds are groomed every game day and cared fully by the NBF.
The league’s two divisions, Monday/Wednesday and Tuesday/Thursday, are essentially operated as two separate leagues, run by the same organization. The Monday/Wednesday division plays a single night a week double header schedule starting at 6 pm, switching opponents for the second game. The Tuesday/Thursday division plays a two night a week schedule starting at either 6 pm or 7:45 pm. The season starts at the end of April and continues through to August with mid-season and year end playoff tournaments.
Nisku Ball Federation